Dedicatory Prayer

My Spiritual Journey

My Search for
the Full Gospel

A Pentecostal Rosary?

My Journey Begins
with a Reunion

As a Child

We Journey Together

Too Many Gospels

The Night That Jesus Came

Means of Escape

Who I Am

Pro-Life Issues

The Aftermath of Abortion

"Professor of Death"
comes to Princeton

Peter Singer and Eugenics

The Re-education
of America

Deconstructing the
Abortion License

A Voice of Reason
Crying Out in the Ivy League

It Takes a Nation

Other Stories

A Child Shall Lead Them

Sola Scriptura and Literacy


Family Photos


Our statement regarding
private revelations


 My Patron Saint


Pray the Divine Office


By Grace Alone
Blessed Virgin in prayer


A Woman's Search
Love and Truth

"But God, who is rich in mercy, because of the great love he had for us, even when we were dead in our sins, brought us to life with Christ Jesus (by grace you have been saved), raised us up with him, and seated us with him in the heavens in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in his kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you; it is the gift of God." (Ephesians 2:4-8)

Up from the Depths

By Deborah Danielski

Some people seem to be graced from birth. They love and obey their parents, work hard at their studies, get scholarships to great universities, marry the person of their dreams and raise a houseful of wonderful obedient -- grace-filled -- children just like themselves. I am not one of those people.

This web site contains personal stories about my lifelong search for love and truth. 

In my earliest years, I knew almost nothing of religion but I did love Jesus. My relationship with Him was a personal one, shared only with my grandmother. In adolescence, I searched for truth in science and the theory of evolution -- and for love in all the wrong places. I still believed in God, but he was no longer a personal God and Jesus was relegated to the same list of mythical characters as Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. In desperation, I tried sex, alcohol, illegal drugs and Oriental mysticism. Nothing completely satisfied my hunger for God -- until I finally found Him in his fullness in the Roman Catholic Church.

From lonely, pregnant 15-year-old, forced to give up her first son for adoption to miserably married 20-year-old, voluntarily aborting her fourth child -- from high school dropout to award-winning journalist and Associate Director of the Catholic Conference of Illinois, atheist to Pentecostal Protestant, disillusioned Pentecostal to committed Catholic, I've lived a life than can be explained only by the grace of God.

Only one element remained constant throughout my search, through the darkest of sin and my peak of self-righteousness -- my Heavenly Father's consistent and unconditional love.  

In the first century A.D., pious Jews, who awaited the coming of a savior, cherished the hope that one day soon, the Kingdom of God would come to Earth, peace would reign and all would be well forever more. As Jesus of Nazareth walked through Gallilee on His way to Jerusalem one day, a group of  Jewish Pharisees stopped Him to ask, "When will the Kingdom of God come?"

"The coming of the Kingdom cannot be observed," He answered. "And no one will announce, 'Look, here it is,' or, 'There it is.' For behold, the Kingdom of God is among you." As long as I am with you, Jesus was saying, the Kingdom of God is near and available to you. God is not in heaven, but rather, heaven is wherever God is, and His kingdom reigns wherever hearts are open to Him.

Like the first century Jews, many Christians today anticipate the imminent coming of God's Kingdom. In their zeal for this future event, they fail to recognize it is already here. Nonbelievers live in anticipation of a political or financial savior. Nearly all focus on some future climactic event and consequently miss the opportunity to experience the truth, love and peace available to them here and now.  

It is my prayer that these stories will inspire others never to give up hope, but in all circumstances and at all times to turn to their Creator -- the One who is all and who has all to give.

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